Today I am examining my thinking behind every achievement, whether big or small.
Examining the processes that led me to these achievements to where I am today.
Then each day I plan to develop patterns of behaviour that will lead me to my Greatness. First I need to examine where I have been. My negative mindsets, things I have thought, said and done. The people I have associated with, my circle of influence, conforming to what was socially acceptable. When I liken my life to the car that I have driven, I take full responsibility, for it was I that drove it to where I am now,
So I know I can continue to drive it to where I want it to go!
I have been sacrificing my health, working long hours, grabbing the first thing I saw out of the fridge for food when I returned home and microwaved the evenings dinner. Which as we all know 9 out of 10 wasn’t the healthiest choice?
I have sacrificed my children’s lives in not being there for them when school was over, missing out on those initial cherishing moments. I have sacrificed my joy, energy and marriage. Not doing the things that I innately felt I should have done for a long long time.
My life is going to be more meaningful and significant in every way shape and form.
I am a Creator, created in the very image of The One who created the Universe of Universes.
I am Proactive
I am Enterprising
I am Powerful
I am Dynamic and more.
What does success look like to you? Having more time with your family?
My vision of Success is becoming clearer and clearer every day. I am being disciplined, working harder on myself. I aim to be more Valuable to my family, friends, community and society.
Can you see yours? Create it and go after it!
In my future posts I’ll share some of my goals, realistic and what may appear to be impossible for some, but they are Mine all Mine I own them, I am making time for them and I shall achieve them. Whose racing?
I am just driving my car in an alternative direction,
never giving up, getting to my dream lifestyle destination and I know you can too!.
I am Loving this journey, it gives me Energy, Joy, Motivation and Inspiration. I am holding on to my dream lifestyle. It is said: “Energy grows, where Energy goes”
Let me know your tips and tricks, what do you do?
If you’re looking for a great way to learn and earn and are dedicated to your PASSIONS, a go getter mentality and you’re not quitters and want to make extra income, as I am, take that “Stepin2SuccessNow” to help you on your journey.
The internet Lifestyle has helped me to achieve more free time with my family.
I hope you enjoyed this, if you have then, share it with your family and friends.
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