“Lifting Myself and Others to Achieve Greatness”

My husband took me out for a drive. It was on the way to a town close by called Bocairent a beautiful historical place to visit.

Well he drove past it and turned left towards the mountains of ‘La Serra de Mariola.’  There we drove up the mountain around its winding roads where the views were spectacular. He continued driving, when we came to an area most rocky, the car started rocking from side to side, my heart almost jumped out of my mouth. I screamed STOP!

But he continued on. 

I am so glad he did, why? Because he knew what was up ahead. I hadn’t caught the VISION as yet!

FINDING THE SOURCE TO A SIX FIGURE LIFESTYLE INCOME involves catching the vision of what is in another persons mind. Your partner, friends and family may not see your dream but you must continue the journey and GET THERE! So that they may enjoy the fruits of your labour.

We came to an open spot, surrounded be pine trees the smell was so intense, I was there, in that special serene moment. I closed my eyes and bathed in the tranquillity of it all. Yet there was more he walked me over to an area in the mountain and there, just like an eye pouring out tears, was a natural source of water. 

Marriola Sierra Bocairent Spain

He caught some of it into a bottle he’d been carrying, unbeknown to me, and handed it over.

The water was so fresh, the sweetest, purest and the cleanest I had ever experienced.

It is said also that honey from the honeycomb tastes sweeter as soon as it is taken from the source.

So it is with Words of Wisdom from the source. There is a writing called Proverbs. Check it out look in chapter 24, verses 13 to 14.

“My son, take honey, for it good and the flowing honey which is sweet to your taste: So let your desire be for wisdom: if you have it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.”

FINDING THE SOURCE TO A SIX FIGURE LIFESTYLE INCOME therefore requires us to gain words of wisdom, encouragement, instruction, and insight at its source.

1.       Taking time-out for Personal daily study and meditation

2.       Mentors: leaders, teachers and parents

3.       Observation: of systems, situations and routines.

The foremost important point here is that we need to be attentive to the source, learning as much as we can as it is the most abundant place to be in.

Let me know what, where and who you go to in FINDING YOUR SOURCE TO A SIX FIGURE LIFESTYLE INCOME?

Take that “Stepin2SuccessNow 


The internet Lifestyle has helped me to achieve more free time with my family.

If you’re looking for a great way to learn and earn and are dedicated to your PASSIONS, a go getter mentality and you’re not quitters and want to make extra income, as I am, take that “Stepin2SuccessNow” to help you on your journey.
The internet Lifestyle has helped me to achieve more free time with my family.

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