During times of ‘Stillness’ Do you take time to focus on your passions in the upcoming digital online world, the era of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (A.I)?

Financial independence can be used to describe the condition of possessing sufficient personal wealth to live on, without having to work actively or in a traditional 9 – 5 job for basic necessities.

For financially independent people, their assets generate income that is greater than their expenses.”

  1. What would you do, if you didn’t have to earn a living? If you are worth Millions or Billions, what things would you be doing differently?
  2. What activities are you happiest doing?
  3. Identify three occasions when you’ve felt most alive, most powerfully and fully ‘you’
  4. If you found yourself in prison for some time, what would you still continue to do?
  5. What did you love to do when you were ten or younger?

Be honest with yourself, if nothing stood in your way, the questions above should help identify what really moves you.  ‘Adapted: Fiona Harrold- The 7 Rules of Success’

Mentally seeing yourself acting out a typical day, feeling; touching; smelling and listening to the sounds around you.
Pause one moment, try it now!
Go to that place and sense all the aspects of your passions see what your life could be like.

OK! Making money maybe the by-product of our passions. However don’t you think it’s important to to take time out and to enjoy the processes of our journey in becoming financially independent?

Be Financially Independent

Now I suppose I’m going to touch a nerve…

Naveen Jain talked about, men and women out there trying to reach a climax and never making it. He suggested that it could be because they focused too hard on the end results, never taking the time to enjoy the process and pleasures in getting there. Yes, OK! I hear you ‘this doesn’t apply to me in this area.’

Let us take the time to enjoy each moment we have in our relationships with our partners, colleagues, community. Cherishing the journey you are making each day, enjoying the process attracts great experiences from which we can gain understanding and grow closer to our passions in life.

I responded with the following to the questions above:

  1. I would be constructing a ‘Digital Online Entrepreneur Land’ for people of all ages. Open an ‘Interactive Digital A.I. Resort’ for Orphan Children up to the age of 18. Build water ways and plant deciduous trees, whose leaves or flowing petals fall in it’s seasons, causing a natural covering for the dessert lands to once again produce abundant fruit.
  2. My activities would include music production, conducting choirs and performing at concerts. Hosting motivational conferences and seminars. Playing games, sports and having fun!  ‘Oops I had just drifted off for a moment, to reflect on my passions: ‘The home we’ll build,  with its entrance having 70 Conifer trees on either side leading up to a circular frontage. There in the centre is a special fountain. This is is made up as two olive trees with the candelabra in the centre. Out of the fruits flows the water into the candelabra down into the base. At night it is lit up with purple lights. I can hear the water flowing and the glistering lights take my breath away.’
  3. Three occasions I’ve felt most alive, most powerfully and fully me, have been speaking to an audience about a pamphlet I had received promoting a ‘Lifetime’ trip to Israel. Being a Presenter at a concert in London and facilitating a ‘Coaching Workshop’ at a Teaching the Teachers conference.
  4. If I found myself in prison for some time, I would still continue to coach individuals and groups.   Reading as many books as I could on making money work for me, so that I would be in a position to help others.
  5. When I was younger I loved travelling to the beach and making friends happy!

Now I’m sure you have a smile on your face, after answering your questions. Work on your passions and let it drive you into your new future of this digital online world, the era of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)Comment below and let me know how your passions  can help you become financially independent, and how you plan to get there?

Work on Your Passion

If you’re looking for a great way to learn and earn and are dedicated to your PASSIONS, are a motivated and open minded individual with a go getter mentality and you’re not quitters and want to make extra income, as I am, take that “Stepin2SuccessNow” to help you on your journey.
The internet Lifestyle has helped me to achieve more free time with my family.

I hope you enjoyed this, if you have then, share it with your family and friends.

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