On the journey of becoming a Six Figure Earner, we continually come across a lot of encouraging, and uplifting words of wisdom, helping us to keep up the momentum to Walk in Success, day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment.

So how do we conceptualise decisions and thoughts into our minds, as much as possible.

Plethoras of resources are out there and committing them to our mindsets are a challenge at times.

As we learn each bite-size piece of knowledge, we need to commit them to heart and mind? OK, yes!  I hear some of you, ‘What is heart and what is mind isn’t it the same thing?’  We’ll go into this aspect later in our journey.

How can we


all the wonderful nuggets?

Momentum in Repetition

I. Ponder, analyse, think and meditate. Taking time out during the day for this.

II. Repeatedly saying the word. It is said that speaking the word out loud has power.  

“Death and Life are in the power of the tongue, those that love it (have an affection for it, an attachment to it) will eat the fruit of it.” (Proverbs 18:21)

III. Teaching the word. Make conatact with your prospects and share your insights!

IV. Application of the word in our daily lives. 

Making a Great Living Online Business



I. Noting down the things, big and small, that have an impact on our lives.

II. Penciling the insights we have now, as these are for our future.

Some of which cannot be applied at that moment. 

Why? Because we have not experienced it yet perhaps. 

III. Today we have the handy note book (hard, soft cover) and electronic devices to record our spoken and written activities.

My Network Involves Me!

In Practice

Firstly, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin

Secondly, “It is frequent repetition that produces a natural tendency”. Aristotle

Finally, “Repetition is the mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle and cousin of learning.” Lisa Nichols

Therefore if you speak positive words into your life for a change in circumstances, in addition you are a motivated, dedicated and open minded individual with a go getter mentality and you’re not quitters and want to make extra income, take that “Stepin2Success” and let your clothes “Speak Your Mind Too”.

Most importantly the internet Lifestyle has helped me to achieve more free time with my family.
I hope you enjoyed this, if you have then, share it with your family and friends. 

You can keep up with me daily, see below on FaceBook, Instagram and Twitter at

I hope you have a fabulous day!