By your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced. Matthew 12:37
Careful Conversations
Do you take thought of what comes out of your mouth seriously. Have you noticed speaking positively puts you in a positive space, your words return a feeling of confidence, knowing what was said will be!

Do you perceive that you are continually creating a law for your life. One can imagine a game of chess where there are planned moves to bring an outcome of success or doom.
It isn’t anything to do with luck being at the right place at the right time. Your expectancy for a thing to occur brings about another law. People trust in images or charms but look further than this and see a pure law that works regardless of what you may hold in your hand, hang on the wall, or that is sat on a mantle piece.
Disappointments in life, are to be used as a step up not down, the outcome may have been contrary to your expectations and that’s o.k. because there was something to be learnt from it. Disappointments and rejections should not be feared. They will cause you to procrastinate and not take action. You know what I mean, snoozing that alarm once to often, choosing to do the ironing instead of facing up to the challenge, head on.
Put a ‘positive spin’ on your daily speech. Try to ensure your thoughts, conversations, actions and even the way you dress, walk, sit or stand give rise to the following emotions that generate:

- Motivation.
- Eagerness
- Keen.
- Earnest.
- Inspired.
- Enthusiastic.
- Bold.
- Brave
Social Media and Relationships
It is noted that researchers have found that increased social media usage could lead to more relationship problems than improvements. Leading individuals into their own worlds of fantasy, prolonging sessions away from those in their immediate circles. Is this putting you on a different playing field of life?

Gaining a large following could have consequences on trust in the relationship, putting followers first rather than unplugging and taking the time to listen, touch or simply to love.
Optimised Words
Things can be formed by thoughts impressed upon in your words and actions. This causes the thing you think about to be created.
Let your words be optimised with special intents, to turbo charge, monetise and convert your game of life.
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